Tuesday, December 8, 2009

CO2 Education: Watch Excellent Short Videos

I received an important email this morning alerting me to an excellent website with a treasure of important videos on the science and politics behind CO2. Here is the important information contained in the email:

Dear Friends:
As representatives of the nations of the world meet in Copenhagen to attempt to restrict the use of energy produced from coal, gas and oil in the guise of fighting global warming, many scientists and scholars are expressing grave concerns about what they are trying to do. Recognizing these concerns, we have posted a series of YouTube video vignettes in which such scientists and scholars present the reasons behind them.
We invite you to view the videos and do all you can to inform the public about their presence. Each of the videos can be accessed from the CO2 Science Website; from the CO2Science YouTube channel; and other locations across the Internet, such as http://speakoutforamerica.com/. A categorized-list of the videos we have posted is presented below.
Wise decisions are made only when all pertinent aspects of an issue are examined. It is our sincere hope that the information presented in these videos will elucidate important truths that are presently ignored.
With kind regards,
Craig Idso, Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

A quick click on the link to the above CO2 Science Website will take you to the categorized list of videos that Dr Idso mentions above. I did not post the entire list here to economize on space.

I will be viewing the videos over the course of the next few days. The few that I did view all had excellent content. I made a beeline for the section that was of the most interest to me - morality. I perhaps wanted to judge the underlying fundamental ethical and philosophical premises of the videos and the website, before I decided to delve any further, and not set myself up for disappointment later. I did not expect the videos to espouse Objectivist ethics -and the understanding of what morality means is confused here, but I will take general benevolence towards one's fellow beings that comes from a rational man and life loving, sense of life.

I feature here Dr Robert Lindzen, scientist and professor at MIT, on one of the three videos from the Morality section, all three of which I found to be excellent. Check out the website and find out for yourself.

CO2 Regulation: The Essence of Immorality: Climate alarmists turn morality on its head by coming down on the wrong side of truth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I had the same impression. Rather than viewing morality as "creating access" to energy and food (from where does it come?) we should recognize the proper (to one's own life) morality as rational egoism and being free to produce such things.